Throwing Spam at the Apocalypse

October 1, 2012 by - 3 Comments

Is there anything more depressing than talking about The Apocalypse? Talk about the Apocalypse is inescapable online and on our car radios and televisions. But what do people mean when they say the word Apocalypse? Biblical Apocalypse. This one is easy. It’s about the Anti-Christ showing up to cause all sorts of grisly trouble before …Read More

The Reveal

March 28, 2008 by - 3 Comments

Today I mentioned to Pinckney that I’m currently working to make a couple of the central characters in CALLING MR. LONELY HEARTS a little more sympathetic when they’re first introduced. He said that he was doing the same thing for the screenplay he’s working on. We agreed that we need to show that our characters …Read More