In the Handbasket: Kelli Stanley and CITY OF DRAGONS

January 27, 2010 by - 8 Comments

Way back in the day–July 18, 2008, to be exact–writer Kelli Stanley dropped by the Handbasket to blog about the background of her excellent debut novel, Nox Dormienda. You can visit Kelli’s website to read about the exciting things that have happened to her since then, including all the praise-filled reviews she’s been receiving for …Read More

In the Handbasket: Roberta Isleib

September 3, 2008 by - 10 Comments

As promised, mystery writer Roberta Isleib is in the Handbasket today as part of her online tour for her latest novel, ASKING FOR MURDER! Roberta is one of those people you meet and wonder, how in the world does she do it all? She’s a clinical psychologist, is the current president of Sisters in Crime, …Read More

In The Handbasket: Andrew Peterson

August 26, 2008 by - 5 Comments

My daddy was in the Corp, so I’m always delighted to see a Devil Dog as a literary hero. Today, Andrew Peterson–the guy who blew every other panel out of the water with his BATF, bomb-sniffing dog demo at Thrillerfest this summer–introduces former Marine sniper/CIA operative Nathan McBride in FIRST TO KILL. McBride is a …Read More

In The Handbasket: Amy MacKinnon

August 15, 2008 by - 3 Comments

You will probably think me lazy for having yet another guest at the Handbasket this week. (Really, I’m off buying school supplies and helping Pom answer that age-old question: What to wear on the first day of junior year?) But I wanted to make sure I introduced Amy MacKinnon to you; her debut novel, TETHERED, …Read More