Thrillerfest 2014: Fun and Done

July 15, 2014 by - 1 Comment

Until last week I hadn’t been to Thrillerfest, the annual gathering of International Thriller Writers, in several years. Many of my friends refuse to miss it, and I understand why: it’s great fun. Plus, it’s always held in New York City at The Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Terminal, so thereĀ are endless thingsĀ to do if …Read More

In the Handbasket: Kelli Stanley and CITY OF DRAGONS

January 27, 2010 by - 8 Comments

Way back in the day–July 18, 2008, to be exact–writer Kelli Stanley dropped by the Handbasket to blog about the background of her excellent debut novel, Nox Dormienda. You can visit Kelli’s website to read about the exciting things that have happened to her since then, including all the praise-filled reviews she’s been receiving for …Read More

The Rainy January

January 25, 2010 by - 7 Comments

I’ve been in an introspective frame of mind of late. Sometime around 2:30 this morning I finally completed the first draft of my latest novel, so I guess introspection has actually been required. The earliest file date I can find for this story is late November, 2008–which means I’ve been at work on it for …Read More

Congratulations, Kelli and Tim!

March 12, 2009 by - 1 Comment

I had a great time in Denver at last year’s Left Coast Crime Conference, and was sad to miss the fun in Hawaii this week. The Hawaii conference was especially significant for my friends Tim Maleeny and Kelli Stanley, who both won Left Coast Crime Awards. Kelli–who just signed a new contract with Thomas Dunne/St. …Read More

Guest Blogger, Kelli Stanley

July 18, 2008 by - 4 Comments

I knew I would adore Kelli Stanley just as soon as I heard that she’d coined the term “Roman Noir” for her first novel, NOX DORMIENDA: A Long Night for Sleeping. My daughter is a scholar of all things pertaining to ancient Rome, and she even tried to teach her eccentrically-educated mother a little Latin …Read More

Big News. I Mean Really Big News!

April 30, 2008 by - 15 Comments

I received some amazing news a couple of weeks ago and have been dying to share it. Now I can! I’ve been invited to the 29th annual Kentucky Women’s Writers Conference in Lexington. It happens in September and I’ll be teaching a workshop, which I always enjoy. But the really exciting news is that I’ll …Read More