Octoberguest! Michelle Brooks

October 3, 2008 by - 12 Comments

I met the delightfully vibrant Michelle this past summer when she was teaching the poetry section at the Tinker Mountain Writer’s Workshop. Her work is raw, honest and provocative and it was a privilege to hear her reading it (poetry is best enjoyed live, don’t you think? maybe with cocktails afterwards?). She’s also at work …Read More

As Fast As I Can

July 29, 2008 by -

(Amazing image by Amaroo.) I’m a little jealous of my poet friends–not just because they work magic with so few words, but because their work is so, well, portable. More than portable. It’s pithy as well. Prose writers have a tougher time expressing complete themes and ideas on a single manuscript page. If we’re doing …Read More

Hi, Michelle!

June 18, 2008 by - 2 Comments

Meet Michelle Brooks. Poet. Very Cool Writer-Chick. Her poetry is a treat (sometimes a dark and scary treat, but we like that around here!), and her blog is deliciously idiosyncratic. One never knows what to expect–except a brand new pic of Michelle every day!