Daily Handbasket: Strangers at My Door

June 8, 2017 by - 2 Comments

    If you hang out with me on social media, i.e. Facebook or Instagram, you know Tuesday afternoon and much of Wednesday was spent with stranger dogs. Strangers, as in not my dogs. When Walt and Charlie (I only found out their names later) first showed up, I tried to chase them out of the yard. …Read More

Saturday Serendipity 18 February, 2017

February 18, 2017 by - 2 Comments
Every Saturday, Rain or Shine

  This week I was in the mood for a little silliness: Recently I learned about hygge, the Danish coziness mantra. But the Finns, in addition to having some pretty killer tv crime shows, also have the word karlsarikannit. Hint:  it involves alcohol and maybe your underwear. His coworkers want the mayor of this small Spanish town to call …Read More