I wracked my brain for unique photo ideas for my first big fall photo post. But fall is fall. And leaves are leaves. And the colors are classic, for sure. I’m LOVING my new iPhone 7+ camera, and am on the lookout for tips and instructions to make photos better. If you know of any links, please do share.
What’s fall look like where you are? Evergreen, pastel, or gold–something totally different?

I’m wild about the colors, textures, and reflections in this bath.


One tree, so many colors.

Playing with portrait mode.


Hardy chives, and some equally hardy marigolds–volunteer blooms from last year.

This collection of colors enchants me. I want it in my house.

Composition in yellow.

All the colors, all at once.

Burning bush photo bomb.

This scene is different every single day.
I’m in central Virginia. The colors here are very much the same. I grew up in Alaska where my sister says it’s white right now.:-)
Oh, I’m missing Virginia right now. Fall is spectacular there. *sobs a little*
Laura, these are lovely, and some of the color combinations would look good as a decorating idea. New Jersey is now bathed in many colors of green, orange, and red. The rain finally stopped, and the temperatures went down from near 80 to a more seasonable 41. It’s going down to freezing, tonight.
Sounds beautiful. Hope any tender plants you might have are safe!
Beautiful photos.