Reviews That Delight Me

December 21, 2007 by - 3 Comments

If a writer takes good reviews to heart, defining herself by what folks choose to opine about her work, then she must also take the bad. So I try hard not to let myself believe my own press one way or the other. It affects my enthusiasm and confidence when I sit down to write. …Read More

Roomba Time!

November 27, 2007 by - 15 Comments

One of the tough things about working/writing from home is balancing housework, parenting and writing time. There’s the stereotype of a scatterbrained writer working amid chaos: children playing beneath her desk, laundry piling up, etc. And, yes, we’ve lived like this from time to time. But chaos is no fun to work in. Seriously. A …Read More

Guest Blogging at Answer Girl’s Place!

November 12, 2007 by -

The delightful Answer Girl invited me over to her place today to talk about writing and one of my favorite books, Margaret Atwood’s, The Robber Bride. I can’t even imagine how many times I’ve read it through–often picking random chapters, a few pages at a time. She’ll have other folks there throughout the week. This …Read More

Tour Pics and a Secret Almost-Contest

November 7, 2007 by - 4 Comments

Saturday’s signing at Barnes & Noble was terrific! I was even treated to an eight stanza recitation of a poem one man had written for his three year-old daughter. Since he purchased a book, it was kind of like a little literary salon, right there in Barnes & Noble. Like a moron, I forgot to …Read More

Things I Learned from my First Book Tour

October 29, 2007 by -

Some things I learned from my ISABELLA MOON book tour: 1) Booksellers are saints. One should feed them cookies–regularly! 2) Always know where the restroom is in the bookstore where one is signing. 3) Get used to people falling asleep during one’s reading, because someone will! 3a) Try not to embarrass the person who falls …Read More

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